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Народное слово

Region: Milliy tiklanish
ISSN: 2010-8877
Subject: Regulation documents, Monitoring of legislation
Released date: 1992 Year min
Periodicity: 5 times a week Site: www.narodnoeslovo.uz
Email: info@narodnoeslovo.uz

Народное слово (Newspaper. In Russian)

In the newspaper are published internal and country foreign policy, the political, state, economic and cultural questions, corresponding materials, and also entertaining and advertising pages. The newspaper is published in the Uzbek and Russian languages.

Founders: Kengash of Legislative chamber Oliy Majlis of Republic of Uzbekistan, Kengash of Senate of Oliy Majlis of Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministries of Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Newspaper is registered in the Uzbek agency on the press and the information: Registration № 0002 from January, 15th, 2008.

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